The First Christmas

We had been dispatched to the wealthy side of town just after dinner time for the altered mental status. We didn’t venture to this neighborhood often, its residents served by concierge medicine and excellent preventative care. Manicured lawns, gardens, and elaborate houses bathed in Christmas lights flashed past as we drove through the streets. Her... Continue Reading →

Normalization of Deviance of Sexual Harassment in EMS

Yesterday I was strolling about the internet reading and stumbled upon an article on a local New Jersey news website about a $195,000 civil settlement related to repeated sexual assault on a female EMT by her male “chief.” This settlement and related events were discovered through an OPRA request (non-disclosure by both parties was a... Continue Reading →

My Father’s Daughter

When I was a kid my dad had a Camaro. Before you get too excited, it was a beater. I hated this car. I was 10 and had already discovered the necessity of “cool”- this car wasn’t it. 1967 body with primer grey and rust accented exterior, ripped up black leather seats (the front passenger... Continue Reading →

National EMS Memorial Events 2017

The National EMS Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization to honor the commitment, service, and sacrifice of our nation's EMS providers that have died in the line of duty and those who continue to serve. The foundation also endeavors to establish a physical national memorial in our Nation's capital or surrounding area, similar to those... Continue Reading →

Paramedics Love Pens

If you don't have anything nice to say, make pens? While sitting at post today waiting for our next assignment I was scrolling through Facebook and happened upon a dark humor page I hadn't seen before. Honestly, I have unfollowed or ignored a lot of these pages because I lose my mind, get sucked into... Continue Reading →

What goes through a medic’s mind?

Ginger Locke is infatuated with the minds of medics. She is a paramedic educator, researcher, author, blogger, and social media maven (please see awesome memes below). She has recently transformed her written word blog into a multimedia paradise featuring her new podcast, Medic Mindset, where she interviews medics delving into what makes them tick. She... Continue Reading →

Social Suicide

This blog post is a part of  the second "What If We're Wrong Blog-a-thon." You can find the other posts here. The premise of this event is to play the devil's advocate and argue the opposite view on a topic we normally cover. In my lecture, “Selfie Sabotage” I discuss how to use social media... Continue Reading →

Like No One is Watching

Sometimes you don’t even notice the people watching. I mean, we’re all busy right? So many tasks to complete in a certain number of hours and only a certain number of hours in a day, can leave everything in a little bit of a blur. Constant working and feeling like you never get anywhere can... Continue Reading →

Have You Had “The Conversation”?

My plan was to watch some “mindless” television and lay on the bed and more than likely take a little nap to enjoy the afternoon during my mini vacation. The last channel watched was HLN and Dr. Drew was on with a panel discussing Bobbi Christina starting hospice care. Dr. Drew did not mince words... Continue Reading →

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